I haven't been as productive as i'd like to be on making the crazed side universe game this week, [which may or may not because i've been replaying Mass effect 3. god i love the world building in mass effect anyways...]but I've managed to start the next level: Where Soy the guitar is 3d printed into the 3d print factory by Rockdin and Mecha reaper after his previous clone's death
I also started making the computer ui where you'll get hinted to various items and guns as well as learn more about the world you're in, as well as the fate of earth.
The computer in the factory will mainly let you know about the god hands and other lore: the giant 3d printing machines that create the cities of planet Ecotta. I know a lot of people will probably not read the lore things in the world, but i love making them and if only a small percentage of people take the time to read them, that's ok by me.
I've also worked on the music for the computer ui. Not too much else tho but my next plan is to work on a dialogue system for the first character you meet, mecha reaper.
“Awesome 3D”
thank you my mannnnn