One day a person came out of someone's ballsack....and that person is me, ladies and gentle turds. The end.

JD ALTURRE @TheCrazedSide

Age 27, Male

Hell ville

Center of earth

Joined on 9/14/18

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TheCrazedSide's News

Posted by TheCrazedSide - 1 day ago


Been working on a situation that's triggered in my stealth game the crazed side universe, where the Mozz king is talking to a very friendly cop [spooky dude above] and you gotta defuse the situation [or not] by talking to them before one of them kills the other. I've been thinking up how I want your choices to impact the game and the level I'm working on is a testing ground for it. Like here, who you choose to help willl impact the sidequests you can do that will help you on an investigation you're doing [and the only way you could choose both sides is by exploring and finding something that will convince them to not shoot eachother in the face]. [and if you choose to not side with the cop the level will be hostile towards you] speaking of games that give you choice, I made a review of a game that's deeply inspired me, Deus Ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0s-X9Z-deo&t=157s




Posted by TheCrazedSide - 4 days ago


whoo i can say with confidence that coding is the absolute worst part of making games and it's burning me out. I'm thinking of maybe just making this stealth game much more simple so i can get it done with as little stress as i can, even if it makes it a less good stealth game with dumber enemies cuz omg coding is becoming a real pain. I've been working on the combat and stealth for weeks and i got a rough prototype done tho without a cover system or anything super complex, and i worked on being able to have the character hide in the shadows. but I think this is just reminding me that im just more of an artist than a real coder and i wanna focus more on the designs and creative aspects even if that means i need to have less of the mechanics and gameplay i wanted. I hope it still can be a good game with less mechanics but i'll have to see when i release the first chapter in beta but for my own sanity, i'm making this much more simple.

Btw i released a video with a song i made for the game that showcases the police in the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLwWBj4Foxg


Posted by TheCrazedSide - December 12th, 2024


For my stealth game I've been working on the next level that takes place in 3025, a small open world area with a few sidequests as the player looks around for some terrorists that mysteriously wiped out 5 cities. I'm also gonna make a video that talks about how I plan out city levels so far as it's the most overwhelming level to work on for my adhd lol but also the most exciting. I uploaded a video showcasing what the level looks like so far, tho it's still a work in progress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThMoq-r58Ho It's also really cool to see how people reacted to my adhd video, I'll probably make more videos on that and how I deal with it during my project.



Posted by TheCrazedSide - December 4th, 2024


So far for my stealth game, i've been working on the cutscenes for my game and working on a map for the small semi-open world area of the next level which I can't wait to work more on and working on the script for it too. My character soy talks more about what I've been working on for my game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fldWyNCPSY4&t=26s



Posted by TheCrazedSide - November 3rd, 2024


For the stealth game I've been working on the triggers for the random conversations in the base level. Here's one I'm working on so far for laverna and her prisoner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pgECZVNo30



Posted by TheCrazedSide - October 28th, 2024


Crazed Side Universe game update: So far I've finished most of the level design for the fotu level besides some glitches and uh the fact that you can get launched into the Stratosphere for no reason [as shown in the video on the level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8WbQAVqvbU&t=110s }when you go near Mecha Reaper's lab....dunno whats going on there but its pretty hilarious lmao. I plan on working on the triggers in this level next, mainly thee weird conversations you'll hear before I work on the main part where you'll meet your team and learn of your mission and finally after a zillion years I'll move onto another level to work on.



Posted by TheCrazedSide - October 19th, 2024


At the moment I'm working on polishing up the exterior of the FOTU base in the crazed side universe game. I worked on a plan of what needs to be done for the 1st chapter before I'll release it to beta and I'm hoping if things go smoothly to have it released in February or even before then tho we'll see. I'm working on some more lines to the script for the FOTU interior scene. I'm also redesigning the interior of FOTU as I find I made the level too bland. Here's what the redesign looks like so far:




for the plan, These are the things I'm gonna work on each week:

week 1. [this week]. fotu exterior design

week 2. fotu ext optimize, teleporter system, and subtitles [needs to be 16.67ms or 60 fps at least]

week 3. fotu intior rough level design

week 4. fotu int optimize and subtitles

week 5. gun system and ammo [not including health yet, pistol shotgun, rifle bazooka]

week 6. subway all the way to invention lab level design 

week 7. player/enemy: health/damage system

week 8. enemy: alert/attack, patrol system

week 9. stealth/light detection stealth system

week 10. box/object interact system [and being able to make enemy go to noise the objects make]

week 11. titan robot system and deactivation

week 12. cloud voidus cutscene rough

week 13. subway to cloud optimize/subtitles

week 14. save/load system

week 15. options menu

week 16. main menu rough and polish, final optimize of everything

week 17. trailer/upload beta chapter 1 on itch.io and gamejolt and find play testers


Posted by TheCrazedSide - October 12th, 2024


Here's what my level I'm working on looks like in unreal so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVrBfoHp2SM

decided to do a test of building part of my level in unreal engine just to see if I liked the work flow compared to Godot especially since I felt the need to have something that fits my project more and omg I love it, it is so much easier to get certain things done in unreal. I had a painful time building up navmeshes in godot and various other things, but here it is super easy to get something done [well not everything, importing kinda sucks in unreal, Not a fan of exporting fbx rather than just importing a blend file] and it doesn't like crash my pc just trying to play this level. I don't plan on switching my game again, but I'm glad I gave this game engine a try cuz something was telling me I need to try it out. Also it's nice to see my pc can handle unreal 5 at all. this isn't completely finished as the material looks wonky on the level cuz I didn't uv unwrap it properly.


Posted by TheCrazedSide - October 6th, 2024


At the moment in the game I'm working on the drone mechanic in the game which you get during a fetch quest type sidequest in the 2nd level and thinking up ideas for that. I finished the body of the main character as well. Part of me is getting increasingly concerned on whether I can make the game I want in Godot as I would love to make nice medium sized levels later on with lots of npcs and the more I look into the optimization issues and hear about the underlying issues in Godot, part of me wonders if I should switch to Unreal so I don't have to keep wondering if it's too underpowered for what I want. or at least try it and see how I feel about it. especially since this game is gonna be released in many chapters and the whole 1st season won't be done for a long time and evnetually I'm gonna wanna make more complex levels and all. It would suck to start over, however I wouldn't be completely starting from scratch if I did as I'll still use the same music, sound effects, designs that I already created. not to mention if I decide I don't like unreal I could go back [unity will never be an option as I don't trust them still.] I think it's worth checking into unreal just to see how I feel. not to mention it would be great to port to consoles one day and it sounds expensive to port to consoles on godot. not to mention it bothers me that godot doesn't have certain features like being able to have mp4 videos. I tried ogv.....it always come out looking like dog water quality video. we'll see. If i decide to try out unreal for a level I'll let you know how thats going. but no matter what I am going to keep working on this game and trying my best to make it as good as I possibly can. even if i have to start over again.


Posted by TheCrazedSide - September 28th, 2024


So far this week for the crazed side universe game I've been working on the secret base level. I tried to make a cutscene for the intro to the level [this is what it looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnscHhooaIk ) but godot only accepts one video format and no matter how much i tried, the quality came out looking like muddy dog water so i gave up on that lol. I've been busy working on the factory part of the level and the lighting and the body and animations for the main character [which really isn't necessary cuz it's first person but its bothers my soul the idea that you don't have a body like most fps] I haven't done much else this week cuz I started hyper focusing on metro exodus lol, omg is that game great. Also I've been going back and forth in my head on whether the cutscenes should be in first person or 3rd person . But anyways thats mainly what i'm doing. I'm going to attempt to do these devlogs more often, at least for the awesome actors and graphic designer for my game so they're updated a bit more on the game.
