I'm thinking of maybe creating scripted weekly devlog videos for my game the crazed side universe where I go more in depth into how I'm making my dream game as a total noob lol and how i plan out designs rather than showing some gameplay with some small notes about it lol. I'll try to post them here if it allowed but the last time i even showed footage of my game it got unpublished so maybe i'll just leave a link in a blog instead. been staying away from the idea of doing an actual devlog series just cuz it seems like a lot of work on top of my game but at the same time maybe it'd bring more views to the series and it would be interesting to talk about how things like my adhd affects how I work on the project and all and my inspirations too. i also dont want to make it too boring like a lot of devlogs. if i start a devlog, anything specific you'd want me to talk about when it comes to the game?