UPDATE 3: The villian and the factory
Currently I'm finishing the factory area. I'll probably do some changes and add conveyor belts or robots being built on the sides and lighting, maybe change up the area Soy wakes up in, but as a rough draft I like it so far. I finished the computer ui as well, later computers will give you codes to unlock doors and such. Outside of that I plan on working on mecha reaper's dialogue [the robot that's t-posing in the video lmao] and working on the outside of the fotu base and adding some of the fotu agents and civillians [that have been recorded by some awesome actors :D }.
I also found the perfect role for Roger, the main villian, and I plan on doing an animation voice test of this character very soon. I use to voice Roger in my unfinished webseries and I could never make him sound the way I wanted, so it's nice finding someone who can do that accent perfectly. I want to find a good voice for a few other important characters and will probably add them to some test scripts and see where they fit best.
I'm also thinking I'll spend some time finishing the 1st season script of the game so I can get all the villian and other major character's lines recorded and done with ahead of time.
Good work to everyone whose been recording lines, as well as the awesome art. I can't wait to put these into the game. :)
I'm also thinking of releasing the beta version of the game in brief chapters to get feedback. It would be very short tho and it wouldn't show much of the stealth and combat I want to add yet tho.
Level I'm working on so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15rF-AxhgrE